"Dále Vuelo" review in fROOTS, the UK's authoritative guide to the folk and world music scene


Dále Vuelo Lone Pinon

For their second album (whose title translates as ‘Let ‘er rip!’) the New Mexico trio has changed one-third of its membership and brought in plenty of guests, which broadens the palette of colours and textures. But the focus remains the same – vintage music of Mexico and the border lands played with crazy vigour and skill, whether tunes or songs.

New member Leticia Gonzales is a true find on violin, while Jordan Wax and Noah Martínez outdo themselves with a wide range of material, carefully researched and sourced. The energy they bring to the music – just listen to the polka La De Mariano Romero, for instance – is almost exhausting in itself, and even the studio recording becomes an irresistible invitation to get up and dance. But it’s a powerful reminder that so much of this was dance music; they’re bringing it back to its roots. Even the silky bolero of No Vuelvo Contigo exists here for cheek-to-cheek on the dancefloor, and the steel guitar is an inspired touch.

The players have a natural affinity for the material. They feel it, they love, and that enthusiasm leaps out of the speakers. They don’t try to re-create the vintage material they play, they make it their own, with a sense of place and personality. Lone Piñon aren’t some rinky-dink trio from the American Southwest. They can hold their own against any headliner, anywhere in the world. They’re simply that good, and they make the music of the border into something living, breathing and absolutely enticing.


Chris Nickson

Lone Piñon